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Dear you, I have been admiring you from afar for quite some time now. And as a true Libra, I cannot help but weigh the pros and cons before making any decisions. But with you, everything jus「分析更多 姓名解析内容请关注 :百合起名网,wWw.imBAIhe.COm〗】t feels right. Your kindness, intelligence, and humor constantly leave me in awe. I find myself drawn to your energy and the way you light up any room you walk into. You effortlessly bring a smile to my face and make my heart skip a beat. I know it may seem sudden, but I cannot deny my feelings any longer. I want to take a leap of faith and confess that I have fallen for you. I want to explore what our connection may become and build a deeper, more meaningful relationship with you. However, as a Libra, I understand that relationships are a two-way street. I hope that if you feel the same way, we can embark on this journey together, hand-in-hand. And if not, I promise to respect your decision and we can continue to be friends. I hope that this confession does not make things awkward between us, but instead opens the door to a new chapter in our lives. Regardless of what happens, thank you for being such an amazing person and bringing joy into my life. Sincerely, A brave and hopeful Libra


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